Hunger Action Month

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” ~Mother Teresa


This quote majestically hangs in our warehouse welcoming visitors as they enter. It begs to be read by all, eager to teach a powerful  message in just 55 characters. This simple statement by one of the greatest humanitarians of the 20th century, and possibly of all time, declares boldly that there is always something you can do to help those in need.

September is Hunger Action Month, and this is your opportunity to make an impact in the fight against hunger right now. In the spirit of Mother Teresa’s wisdom, everyone can take action to fight hunger in their own way. Whether it is by raising awareness, donating food and money, or volunteering, you can make a difference during Hunger Action Month.

Here are a few ways you can get involved this September:


Raise Your Voice

Tell your friends and family about the issue of hunger in Weld County. Spread the word on social media with the hashtag #HungerActionMonth. Become informed about what we do and how you can help the 1 in 8 people and 1 in 5 children in Weld County who don’t have enough food to eat. Visit now and start educating yourself.

shirtGo Orange for Hunger

Did you know orange is not just associated with a local sports team, but it is also the color for hunger awareness?  Add some orange to your profile picture, change the outside lights at your business, or dye your hair. Whatever you do, let people know the reason behind it and encourage them to join in. FYI, September 8th is Hunger Action Day which would be a great day to get an ‘orange crew’ together!

moneyTake the SNAP Challenge

Can you eat on just $4.50 a day? Millions of low-income Americans who are facing hunger are allotted this amount through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (or SNAP, formerly known as food stamps). This Challenge gives you a glimpse at the difficulties families face when they try to put enough food on the table with this inadequate supplement.

Of course, it is impossible to fully understand what these  families are going through and the difficult decisions they face. However, taking the SNAP Challenge this September will help raise awareness about the issue of hunger in our community and provide a voice to many who feel voiceless.

You’ve Accepted the Challenge, here’s some guidelines provide by Feeding America:

  1. Choose the duration of your SNAP Challenge.
  2. Your food budget for the week or day of your Challenge will be based on the average SNAP benefit, which is $4.50 per person per day– for ALL your food and beverages. You can use coupons while taking the Challenge but should not shop at membership clubs.
  3. Using your Challenge budget, decide on groceries to purchase and how much to put aside for food incidentals. Be aware of ALL food purchased and eaten during the Challenge week/day.
  4. During the Challenge, do not eat food that you purchased prior to starting the challenge.
  5. Avoid accepting free food from friends, family, or while at work.
  6. Keep track of receipts on food spending and take note of your experiences throughout the week, in particular the choices you made between the variety and quality of food you ate.
  7. Invite others to join you, including your co-workers, family members, and elected officials.
  8. Share your SNAP Challenge through social media and by blogging about your experience. Be sure to tag @WeldFoodBank and #HungerActionMonth.

There are many creative ways to take part in Hunger Action Month. We would love to hear about of how you are getting involved. Maybe we’ll even share your ideas to inspire others.

And always remember, if you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.