Access a Food Program

Senior Feeding Program

The Senior Feeding Program serves seniors over 60 years of age. This program, which includes the USDA program Everyday Eats, provides a monthly food package with various nutritional products including milk, fruit, vegetables, juice and cereal, etc. Along with the Everyday Eats food package, recipients will receive additional perishable products we have. On a typical day, that will contain fruits, vegetables, dairy, bakery goods and protein. Anyone who is interested in joining the Senior Feeding Program must first meet with a member of our certification staff.  Once approved, individuals will only need to re-certify every year.

Income Guidelines (Effective Feb 6, 2024)

(maximum gross monthly income)

Family Size
1: $1,632
2: $2,215
3: $2,798
4: $3,380
5: $3,963

For each additional add $583

Greeley Area Residents

Where to Apply: Our warehouse located at 1108 H Street, Greeley, CO 80631, just north of Island Grove Regional Park. On your first visit, please park next to the line of orange cones, and enter the sliding glass doors on the East side of the building to sign up. After that, you will use the drive through, checking in at the window of the trailer.

What To Bring: A form of ID for each person in the family and proof of Weld County address (i.e. piece of mail).


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
8:00am – 11:30am*
1:00pm – 3:30pm*

1st & 3rd Wednesday
1:00pm – 6:00pm*

2nd, 4th, & 5th Wednesday
8:00am – 11:30am*

*You must be in line by 11:30am/3:30pm/6:00pm in order to receive food at that time.

Closed the last working day of the month and major holidays.

Residents in or south of Platteville

Where to Apply: 220 Denver Avenue, Fort Lupton, CO 80621. Phone: 303-857-0238

What To Bring: A form of ID for each person in the family and proof of Weld County address (i.e. piece of mail).

Hours: Tuesdays ONLY, 9:00am to 11:45am and 1:00pm to 3:45pm

Closed the last working day of the month and major holidays.

If you are unable to go to either of these locations please call 970-356-2199 x311.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

You can find the full USDA Non-Discrimination Statement here, in several languages.